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Authenticard Readers

Authenticard Proximity Card Readers and Keypads are advanced security solutions that are designed to enhance residential and commercial access control systems. Our range of readers provide secure and convenient methods for verifying and granting access to authorised individuals.

Designed to work with a wide range of security credentials, such as Mifare, DESfire, 125KHz Proximity, Authentifire, and Legic, Authenticard readers and keypads provide a comprehensive suite of products that are suitibale for most access control systems.

Authenticard Proximity Card Readers and Keypads provide not only enhanced security but also improved convenience. They enable efficient and streamlined access control processes, eliminating the need for physical keys or manual entry of access codes. With their durable construction and advanced features, Authenticard readers are suitable for a wide range of applications, including commercial buildings, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and more.

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